
Find out more about Gadsden State's 展示乐队, 声乐组 & 剧院!

The award-winning Gadsden State 展示乐队 is regarded as one of the leading two-year college bands in the Southeast. 他们每年大约演出50场, 到全国各地旅行, 有时, 外州),并在专业工作室录制. 表演乐队表演各种各样的风格, 包括当代的大乐队, 节奏与蓝调, 国家, 摇滚, 新奥尔良铜管乐队, 直来直去的爵士乐和介于两者之间的一切.


Audition dates are announced annually in January or as needed. Candidates can sign up for an individual morning or afternoon audition time. All candidates must “sit in” with the Gadsden State 展示乐队 at 11 a.m. 试镜那天. 其他要求包括:

仪器: The candidate must prepare a piece of their choice that best demonstrates their abilities. 大音阶(可能的话两个八度), chromatic scale (lowest to highest) and sight reading are required. 爵士即兴演奏是被鼓励的,但不是必须的.

歌手: The Gadsden State 展示乐队 includes a small ensemble of vocalists. Those interested in auditioning should prepare two contrasting pieces to sing along with YouTube Karaoke. Each candidate will be required to sing with the 展示乐队 during the audition. 

钢琴和吉他: Prepare a piece that best demonstrates the abilities of the musician. 需要大音阶和视读. Contemporary blues or jazz improvisation highly required.



Members of the 展示乐队 performing at the love爱博体育平台

贝斯: Prepare a piece that best demonstrates the abilities of the musician. Major scales, walk a bass on a blues, sight reading and improvisation encouraged.

鼓: 演示各种鼓的风格, 包括摇摆, 拉丁, 恐慌, 巴萨诺瓦, 当地人接受, 刷工作, 等. 视读也是必须的.

声音: Candidates should bring a resume describing their background running a sound board, light, 等. 推荐信是必需的. 在试镜彩排期间, candidates will be asked to troubleshoot a “fixed” sound or lighting issue.

摄影师/社交媒体: Candidates should bring a portfolio of their photography work, 简历和推荐信. 所有候选人都将接受面试.



The Gadsden State 无伴奏合唱团 is a performance group designed to enhance the skills of developing musicians through the choral genre. 导演J.T. Harrell incorporates many styles and represents the vast array of choral literature. Emphasis is placed on nurturing reading skills and honing awareness of musical form, stylistic characteristics and musical ensemble performance.

This group does an average of 50 performances each year and serves as a recruiting tool for Gadsden State. They perform in local schools, community events and private parties. 会员资格对任何人开放. 学生可以申请奖学金.


加兹登州立歌手 is a performance-based ensemble that appears on campus in the community and throughout the state of Alabama. This groups sings contemporary pieces directed by J.T. 在巡回演出中. Membership in the group is based on an audition, and scholarships are available.

The 23-24 无伴奏合唱团 and Gadsden State Singers


Singers will perform two songs of contrasting styles and genres. One selection should be in classical style such as an art song or folk song performed in the classical style or “legitimate” musical theater style. 第二个选项可以在pop中, “非正版”音乐剧风格, 当代基督教, 国家, 福音或其他非古典风格.

考生可以使用CD伴奏, accompany themselves on an instrument or have a pianist accompaniment. Singers who would like a pianist to play for them must notify J.T. Harrell at 256-549-8391 prior to their scheduled audition time. Candidates should bring the sheet music with them to their audition.

试镜期间, 歌唱家将被要求视读女高音, 中音, 不熟悉的歌曲中的男高音或男低音部分. Singers will also be required to sing some vocal exercises to check range and possible voice part.

A letter of recommendation from a high school choir director, counselor or principal is requested. 如需安排试镜,请联系导演J.T. 哈勒尔,电话256-549-8391或电子邮件 jharrell@yy1007.com.

Gadsden State Singers performing at a Night of 美术


2024 Gadsden State Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

Anyone who was a Gadsden State student between the 2020-2024 is invited to submit up to five visual artworks to be considered for inclusion in the 2024 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition.

The Exhibition will take place Thursday, 5月2日 at Walnut Gallery at 806 Walnut St. in Downtown Gadsden with an opening reception from 6-8 pm. Admission is free and open to the public; refreshments will be served.

     提交作品截止日期: 4月22日, 5 p.m.
     Notification of selection will be sent via text and email on Thursday, 4月25日
     开放接待: 5月2日, 6-8 p.m.
     展览将继续展出,直到 5月30日

  • Work may be picked up during June at Wallace Hall, between 9 a.m. 和4p.m.
  • Non-selected works may be picked up beginning April 29
  • All artwork must be retrieved by the end of June of 2025

Any artwork not retrieved by the end of June 2025 will technically become property of Gadsden State. Understand that we will not make an effort to destroy or discard any work precisely at this deadline, but we cannot guarantee the availability of any artwork one year after the exhibition has ended. 





love爱博 and the Department of 美术 is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities for its 剧院 部门.  Full and half scholarships are available in the areas of acting, lighting, sound and costumes. 学生 will have the opportunity to do hands-on work for a minimum of one production per semester with a possible summer show and student showcases. Auditions for actors will consist of two contrasting monologues at approximately one minute each. Those seeking a scholarship for Technical 剧院 will be asked to attend an interview with a portfolio including any photos of past work.  

任何有兴趣的人都可以联系Mr. 乔·富塞利 jfuselli@yy1007.com 面试日期.

看到 相册 从以前的加兹登国家剧院的作品

A scene from Gadsden State 剧院's production of The Taming of the Shrew